How Storytelling On Social Media Can Give Your Retail Sales a Boost

Retail Sales

Retailers are less concerned with the impact social media marketing campaigns has on sales and more focused on what their social media usage can do for their brand. Any retail company knows how important building (and maintaining) a brand is, and therefore, in a time where people are checking social media accounts 17 times per day, why wouldn’t they utilize these platforms for branding purposes? While many retailers have turned to social media marketing, it takes more than pictures of products and funny cat videos for a social media campaign to be successful. The key to using social media marketing in retail effectively is to tell a story and create meaningful connections.

Using social media to tell a story gives consumers access to inside information, creates connections with the brand, and evokes a sense of loyalty among the audience.

Insider Information

Traditional advertisements are typically short and communicate information about a product alone. Social media marketing is successful because it suggests the importance of a retailer’s brand identity as a whole, rather than just pushing one product at a time. At BG Digital Group, we know the punch a good blog can pack for a brand or business.  Blogs for retailers and lifestyle brands are a way for customers to access information that they care about. Everything a blog does helps customers feel a sense of inclusion and a real connection to the brand, therefore creating loyalty.

Bridging the Gap

Customers of retail businesses, whether big or small, often feel disconnected and detached from the company. BG Digital Group knows how utilizing trends and innovative marketing tools can help businesses create a unique and meaningful connection between brand and consumer. Using Snapchat and other social media platforms as marketing tools can invite customers into places they do not normally have access to and show them day-to-day operations in a new, exciting way.

I Pledge Allegiance

Any business, especially retail-focused businesses, knows the importance of having a loyal customer base. Loyal customers mean consumers who will return to make purchases time and time again, good reviews and word-of-mouth recommendations. All of which are aspects that contribute to the success of a company.

Social media marketing is a great way for retailers to tell their story, allow their customers and potential customers to be characters in that story, and eventually boost sales and profits. Learn more about using social media to enhance your brand by downloading our e-book and Contact us today to see how we can help your business create a fluid brand identity and gain a loyal following.

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