BG Digital Group is a top North Carolina marketing and advertising agency working throughout Eastern North Carolina and beyond specializing in television and radio commercial production both traditional and through online avenues like OTT and radio listening services like Pandora and Spotify. In fact, digital audio listeners are consuming more and more audio content. They’re listening across multiple devices, at work, rest and play. And the more they listen, the more opportunities brands have to connect with them. According to a recent research, the average listener’s weekly time spent listening to digital audio has more than doubled since 2009. Television, radio and digital audio can be attention grabbing and allow you to create a mental picture of your products … sometimes much better than video but now with digital audio services, your web or television commercial can be displayed as well. It’s like reading a good book and then seeing the movie. Let your imagination run free and have fun with the captive audience in the car or boat or office waiting area. Great radio and television commercials cause you to pause, not turn the channel. We cause pause.