9 Tips to Kickstart Your Pinterest Profile and Gain More Followers


Meet Rebecca.


A social media and blog guru, Rebecca recently joined the BG Digital Group team, bringing her fresh and creative ideas to the office. Taking on the challenge of helping to brand our business through social media and blogs, Rebecca has infused our posts with visually compelling graphics, engaging topics and of course, a sense of humor. Not only has she brought an immense amount of knowledge to the team, but she’s always ready with a quirky story to keep us laughing throughout the work day! Today, she’s sharing her tips on how to gain followers on Pinterest by kickstarting your profile.

Make sure you’re running a business account.

You may choose to start a business account by converting your personal, just so you can keep all the followers you already have. This is fine, and for a lot of people, it makes the most sense if you’ve already been pinning relevant, useful content for your business. But unpin anything that doesn’t directly relate to your brand, and make sure you’ve converted to a business Pinterest so you can access the analytics suite. You can convert your Pinterest in a simple step here.

Verify your account.

Verifying that your pins are coming from a website you control will open access to more features in the analytics suite. All it requires is a simple copy and paste of code into your website. If you’re not familiar with coding your website or BG Digital Group already handles it for you, contact our web designer, Sue. She can handle this part for you in no time. Click here to verify your account.

Have all the right content in your profile.

That means your logo, name of your business, tagline, location, website, and your Twitter if you have one. This, of course, should only be your business Twitter, or it’s not going to help.

Start planning your boards.

Think of your ideal customer, and what kinds of things they might be pinning. Create boards that will attract your target audience. You’ll probably be tempted to come up with creative, clever names for your boards, but think of it as SEO for Pinterest – each board title should include the keyword your target audience will be searching for. Keep it short and sweet and you’ll come up first in the search results.

Only create what you can fill.

Each board will need to have a minimum of 100 pins to be full, so only create as many boards as you can realistically fill.

Don’t be afraid to repeat content.

If that last tip scared you, and you’re thinking you don’t have enough interesting web content to fill even one board, you’re wrong. Little known fact: not only are your potential followers not clones, but they also aren’t all online at the same time. So it’s okay to repeat content, as long as you’re changing the message and photos to appeal to different people. Try posting each piece of your content twice, one with a text-heavy image, and one that is more visual, and see how the response differs.

Stay consistent.

Not only in how frequently you post, but in your visual brand. Stick with a main text and subfont, and pick a color theme, expecially if you’re creating your own graphics. All of your photos should look like they have something in common.

bgThink long and skinny.

They take up more space on the Pinterest home feed than horizontal or square photos, so keep everything vertical. As always, never settle for anything less than beautiful, high resolution images.

Always be optimizing.

You didn’t switch over to a business account not to access all those awesome analytics! Pinterest offers some really useful tools for tracking your engagements. You can see which boards are performing the highest, which pins are repinned the most, etc. Drag the best boards to the top of your profile, and make the best performing pins their covers so your best work is always at the forefront.

BG Digital Group is now on Pinterest! We’re working on building up our boards and adding great content to share with all of you, and we’re just in the beginning stages. You can follow us now and watch as we go through all these steps to make our Pinterest engaging for people like you! Thanks for reading, and don’t forget to check out everyone else in the office while you’re on our blog! Good luck, and kitckstart your Pinterest profile!

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