Agile Marketing and the Super Bowl: Why it Matters to You

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What comes to mind when you think of the Super Bowl? Some might think of hot wings, buffalo dip, or the Patriots-Seahawks upset that shook up everyone’s expectations during the last few seconds of Sunday night’s game. But at Bellagurl, this event brings one thing to mind: agile marketing.  

Agile marketing is about creating relevant content by using opportunities that you may have thought didn’t apply to your business. If you think the Super Bowl doesn’t have anything to do with you, consider this: over 111 million people in the U.S. watched the Super Bowl last year. With an audience that big, football fan or not, the Super Bowl is relevant to everyone.

Take the 2013 Super Bowl for example. What does the NFL have in common with a delicious chocolate cookie? Not much. But when a power outage at the Superdome caused some of the lights to go out for 34 minutes, Oreo seized the opportunity to create a viral tweet: “Power Out? No problem. You can still dunk in the dark.” The message got over 15,000 retweets and enough publicity to increase the company’s Facebook likes by 20,000.

Opportunities for agile marketing are everywhere. After the release of the iPhone 6 Plus, many users began to realize that the phone bent if you left it in your pocket, stirring up a great deal of social media backlash using a clever hashtag: #bendgate. Another sweet treat company hopped on the opportunity. Kit Kat received nearly 30,000 retweets on this clever message.

Social media marketing trends in 2015 have encouraged the monitoring of events on a local and worldwide level every single day. Small businesses and multi-national corporations alike have an opportunity to be more creative in their advertising and to go viral with agile marketing. So while you were watching the Patriots and Seahawks battle it out last night, the Bellagurls were thinking of how your business could take advantage of the biggest marketing event of the year. Now is the time to get ready for that next big event. Stay tuned!

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