Social Media Marketing and Businesses: Are You Doing it Right?

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By now, just about everyone has joined the social media world in some capacity. It has become an integral part of our culture and has forever changed the way in which businesses reach potential customers, convert them into buyers and ensure their overall delight and continued engagement. If you haven’t yet mastered one of the more popular social media outlets, TwitterFacebookGoogle+ and Instagram, we’re going to share with you the importance of these sites and how your social engagements and interactions are changing the way businesses market to you and your friends.

Think social media is still just online communication between friends? Think again. Reaching beyond their personal networks, potential customers and fans are now using social media to communicate with their favorite brands, products stores and businesses. Next time you’re viewing your favorite television show, pay attention to how often you see social share icons or a hashtag. From commercials to your show to the news, you will see these icons everywhere.  What baby boomers and previous generations refer to as the pound or number sign, millennials now call a hashtag and its impact is far greater than when it was used to simply reach the operator. Now used for almost everything the # has taken on its own persona as it’s used to enhance visual search and cultivate global conversation.

From a marketing perspective, think of social media marketing as a free survey to help your business. It can be used as a listening tool, a way to promote and attract new customers, and an integral part of the ongoing relationship between your business and its customers. It’s hard to believe but even members of the United States House and Senate are using Twitter as a tool to connect with constituents, keeping them up to date on the latest news and happenings. Social media has shaped the future of marketing and what it takes to attract, convert, close and delight your customers. The bottom line is, your fans and customers are on social media and if your business isn’t then you’re missing the perfect opportunity to reach them and creating a lasting relationship.White House Twitter

Do you want to take your business to the next level? Let our award-winning team ensure your company’s social media pages are reaching potential buyers and engaging with your current customers. To learn more about inbound marketing, click here. To schedule a free consultation with Bellagurl, click here. We make marketing that matters and we’re eager to help your business do the same.

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