Spring is in the air, and so is wedding planning. As the wedding season kicks off, more destination weddings than ever before are being planned and the Crystal Coast is being considered as a prime destination for these events to take place. For years, we have heard of local professionals wanting one local marketing organization dedicated to unbiasedly promoting this area as one of the top destinations for weddings in the United States. Today, that time has come and Bellagurl is proud to launch the Crystal Coast Bridal Alliance, helping brides tie the knot on the Crystal Coast.
The Crystal Coast Bridal Alliance’s mission is to provide brides with the most comprehensive information for hosting a wedding on the Crystal Coast while highlighting the best wedding professionals locally. This website will be focused on reaching brides planning a wedding by offering them venues, catering ideas and everything one would need to host a beautiful coastal event. Additionally, we are working with area wedding experts to promote them through blogs, social media and email marketing. Bellagurl is certified in Inbound Marketing, which focuses on bringing customers and leads to your website through digital marketing. Our goal ultimately is to connect brides with wedding experts and make their destination wedding planning not only easy, but enjoyable as well.
Join Bellagurl and the Crystal Coast Bridal Alliance on Thursday, May 14th at 5:30 pm at Floyd’s 1921 Restaurant & Catering for our official launch party. There you can meet our team, view the new website and get more information about how the bridal alliance plans to market to brides both here and abroad all while having great fun and great food. Call (252) 726-0169 today to RSVP!
Growing the wedding industry on the Crystal Coast and making it the top destination for weddings in the United States is our goal. If your business wants to grow and conquer digital marketing through social media, great web and social videos and awesome email marketing, then give Bellagurl a call. We are experts in destination marketing and can help your business reach more visitors. We make marketing that matters.