One of the most unanticipated, but most important, expenses that businesses will need to plan for is a web hosting cost. While it may seem like an expensive cost when starting up a webpage or switching over a current page, it’s crucial to your business page’s performance, security, backups, and much more. Your webpage is undoubtedly one of the most important pieces of your digital footprint and presence. It’s where people go to find information, how people search for your company, and overall a go-to place for promoting your business. So, what is hosting all about, and why is it a good idea to host with an agency? Here are a few reasons:
This is perhaps the most alluring benefit to hosting your webpage with an agency. A recent study conducted by Sophos Security found that 30,000 websites are hacked daily. In fact, Google found that in the past year daily hackings have risen by 32% from that number. Moral to the story? Hackers are getting better at their unfortunate jobs. Hosting on large-scale programs or using free hosting services puts your webpage at risk for hacking due to a lack of strong firewalls and built-in sophisticated server security programs. Premium agency hosting platforms have all of the latest security advancements to keep your webpage safe and sound.
Using a large-scale free or reasonable hosting service can slow down your page significantly due to the volume of sites they currently host, making your website SEO rating on Google plummet. According to ForbesTech, people, on average, will abandon websites that take more than two seconds to load. Using an agency host can ultimately reduce load times by over 50%, making premium hosting a no-brainer.
Customer Service
Hosting with an agency allows you to have direct communication with the person in control of your website. This alone is a premium benefit because if anything goes awry, or if you have questions, this issue will be addressed immediately. Hosting with free or large hosting companies is like dealing with any corporate company: lots of waiting and little resolution.
Boosting your webpage rating is largely important when trying to increase the profitability of your marketing budget. We can increase load speeds, keep your information safe and secure, and much more. Add this important step to your marketing plan and call BG Digital Group to discuss your web hosting options today.