What We’re Reading, Watching, and Listening To | BG Digital Group


In this industry, it’s imperative that we always stay on top of ourselves and challenge each other. That’s why we strive to stay constantly taking in information and inspiration, through books, podcasts, and even television and movies, so that we are ever growing and learning in both our personal and professional lives.

Here’s what we’ve been reading, watching, and listening to:

Contagious by Jonah BergerProfit First by Mike Michalowicz 

As a part of Dave Ramsey’s Entreleadership program, I’ve been given a reading list which includes Contagious and Profit First. In Contagious, marketing professor Jonah Berger reveals his best kept industry secret answering the age-old question: “what makes things popular?”
/ Cheryl Pigott, President

Eileen by Ottessa Moshfegh 

This was recommended by a friend after I made a request for recommendations for good books on Facebook. Eileen is a bizarre take on a woman’s reflection of her past life she escaped. I thoroughly enjoyed the perspective. It was unique, twisted, depressing, and full of self-sabotage that was strangely OK within the context of the story.
/ Debra Newman, General Manager

Tattoos on the Heart by Father John Boyle 

Father John Boyle is the founder of Homeboy Industries, a non-profit, self-funding and compassionate environment combined into one purpose. Father Boyle spoke in Raleigh and is amusing, full of stories of his Homeboys and Homegirls and the beautiful lives that have transformed under the environment he helped create. This has been inspiring to me during the Easter season.
/ Debra Newman, General Manager

Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist 

For the average person, life can be overwhelming and exhausting – a constant battle to achieve it all while staying afloat in a world filled with obligations. However, couple all of that with a job in the fast-paced, ever-changing and often competitive world of social media and life can seem downright daunting if you don’t have a sense of balance. Present Over Perfect emphasizes the importance of, “pulling free from the constant pressure to perform faster, push harder, and produce more, all while maintaining an exhausting image of perfection.” We all need a reminder to step away, breathe, be thankful for the blessings we have rather than what we don’t have compared to others – and to simply appreciate the present over unachievable perfection.
/ Carrie Hammill, Social Media Director

The GaryVee Audio Experience a Podcast by Gary Vaynerchuk 

Hosted by entrepreneur, CEO, investor, vlogger, and public speaker Gary Vaynerchuk, this podcast is mix of my #AskGaryVee episodes, keynote speeches on marketing and business, segments from DAILYVEE episodes, interviews and fireside chats, as well as new and current thoughts from Gary Vaynerchuk. Some of the most meaningful episodes I’ve listened to recently have been: “Patience | The One Word That Built My Success,” “A Compilation | Ideas Are S***. Execution is Everything,” and “#AskGaryVee 244 | Advice Every 22-Year Old Needs to Hear.”
/ Callie Garrett, Social Media Manager

Hacksaw Ridge written by Robert Schenkkan and Andrew Knight, directed by Mel Gibson 

This Oscar nominated biographical war drama is about a combat medic who, as a Seventh Day Adventist, refused to carry or use a firearm or weapon of any kind. He was awarded the Medal of Honor for his bravery and duty during WWII. As a new Christian, this movie just seemed to reinforce my new values and was all around a feel-good movie.
/ Bobby Pigott, Digital Marketing Manager

FANtastic Marketing by Meredith Oliver 

After attending the Conference in Raleigh on Digital Marketing, I picked up Meredith Oliver’s book on digital marketing. Not only has this helped me refine my skillset, but it has helped me to better understand areas outside my own department as well.
/ Sue Ford, Web Developer

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you See? by Bill Martin Jr. and Eric Carle 

“A big happy frog, a plump purple cat, a handsome blue horse, and a soft yellow duck…” This is unquestionably my daughter’s favorite book, and as she’s been learning to read, I’ve been reading Brown Bear with her every night. It has been a joy to sit back and watch her grow and learn.
/ Susan Yates, Art Director

“Mindfulness, The New Science of Health and Happiness” from Time Magazine 

Finding this magazine on the day I did was just amazingly ironic and the magazine is full of great information on balancing yourself. One thing I love is when it speaks of meditation, it admits that this does not mean (as much literature in the past has implied) that you have to completely clear your mind. It acknowledges that this is impossible for some and gives realistic pointers on how to handle this issue and still reap the benefits of meditation and being in the moment.
/ Heather Willett, Account Manager

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo 

I first read it months ago and greatly reduced the amount of “stuff” in my house (9 trash bags from my closet alone). Since I’ve moved in the last six months to a much smaller home, I’ve felt the need to simplify even more. I love this book because it is a totally different concept than you usually hear when sorting, and it doesn’t only touch the practical space/storage issue, but digs into WHY we might keep the things we do and the emotional effects all of our stuff has on us.
/ Heather Willett, Account Manager

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