Webinars, master classes, and conferences serve as a great networking opportunity for people within a specific industry. However, it’s not enough to just attend. In the B2B world, it’s important that attendees go the extra mile to get the most out of their experience. This month, BG Digital Group will be attending the 2017 mfgCon North Carolina Manufacturing Conference. To help you prepare, we’ve compiled a list of must-read tips for conquering social media at the mfgCon, as well as any future business-to-business conferences you may attend!
- Before the Conference
This stage of the conference journey is all about prep and research. Dedicate your time to learn how the conference uses social media and how you can be included in their online conversations.
- Follow the conference on the respective social media platforms beforehand so you are familiar with their content, are up-to-date on the conference details, and have the potential to establish a rapport with the conference leaders.
- Familiarize yourself with the official hashtag(s) that coincide with the event so when the time comes, you will have a habit of including it/them.
- Begin researching the keynote speakers and the topics and presentations you’re most interested in hearing.
- Write the questions you have regarding the topic so you can ask, or tweet, them when the time comes.
- Follow featured guests and speakers online so they know of your interest in their expertise!
- During the Conference
The “during” stage of conferences is about interacting. Our advice? Engage with the conference online by:
- Retweeting or sharing important information regarding event details.
- Commenting/replying with your input on topics when appropriate.
- Posting your key takeaways from presentations.
- Following other participants and presenters.
The best social platform for live updates is Twitter; however, we do not recommend creating a brand page solely for one event that will never be used again once the conference is over. Instead, adapt your regular posting on Facebook, LinkedIn, or other sites to complement and highlight your time.
- Be picky about the information you share. If you’re posting on Facebook, you don’t want to overwhelm your audience with 15 posts throughout the day. Instead, keep a running note on your phone (or notebook) and consider writing a short blog that evening that encompasses your key takeaways from the day’s event. Then share a post on social media linking to the published blog.
- After the Conference
What happens on social media after a conference is arguably more important than what happens during the conference. After the conference, be sure to follow up by posting your highlights for the event both on a personal level (i.e. employee bonding over late night dinners) and on a professional level (i.e. learning about the latest/greatest technology from Business X). Be sure to make a post thanking the event coordinators, presenters, and sponsors for a hosting an informative and successful event.
Keep an eye out for our event coverage during the mfgCon, and if you’re there, stop by and say hello! For more information about how BG Digital Group can assist your company with B2B business opportunities online through digital marketing, social media, and more, contact us at [email protected] or 252-726-0169.