Scam calls can be annoying, but what’s even worse than those calls is falling for them. Most of the time, these calls are automated, requesting information from your account or even charging you fake fees that don’t exist. This happens far too often, and though they’re illegal, individuals and companies will still try to take your money and trick you. What’s even more shocking about these calls is that most of the time, scammers will use Google to establish a false sense of credibility and lure you into their plot. That being said, there are ways to avoid, report, and end these robocall scammers’ plan of taking your money and information. Here are a few ways to protect yourself and your business:
Do Your Research
Due to the high volume of robocalls happening across the U.S. and beyond, the Federal Trade Commission has a website offering tips for handling scam calls and a registry to associate your number with the National Do Not Call Registry. There are ways to track the scammers behind these calls, and your help would be greatly appreciated when putting a stop to these organizations. You can submit a formal complaint to the Federal Trade Commission on their website,, if you receive one of these annoying scams. You can submit the number that called you, but it’s even better to record their company, name, contact information, and follow-up documentation and give the information directly to Google because most of the numbers used to call are untraceable.
Realize When Google Will Actually Call You
Google shouldn’t call you often, but an exception would be when there’s a direct need that should be resolved with you or your business. When working with a firm, like BG Digital Group, Google will likely call us before calling you, especially for issues controlled by us in your contract. However, if Google does call for any reason, it’s usually to confirm business details on your business listing or presence on Google Maps. Additionally, no calls, unless requested, from Google will be automated. You will always speak to a live person.
Of course, one of the best measures to avoid these calls is to simply hang up without proceeding with any of the requests demanded of you, like pressing a button to speak to a representative. Just ending the call and moving on may be for the best, but reporting the number and who it is will help you avoid these calls for good and help the FTC catch the perpetrators behind these scams.
No one enjoys being scammed, let alone called by telemarketers constantly, so be sure to protect yourself, your time, and your business from scammers who dare to ruin your day. If you want more details regarding this, give us a call and we will explain needed details and help you get one step closer to eliminating these calls for good.