North Carolina Seafood Festival Enticing Fans Through Digital Marketing

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It’s fan Friday again and today we’re celebrating the North Carolina Seafood Festival, which begins next Friday, October 3rd and runs through Sunday, October 5th. Bellagurl has worked with the festival over the past six years and has transitioned its media presence from traditional means to digital dominance. Most of its traditional advertising now focuses on directing people to its awesome website, that was designed by Bellagurl. Additionally, Bellagurl is managing the social media pages for the festival, even creating and launching fun campaigns to increase engagement and followers.

Check out the new and improved SasSea that we designed and launched for the 28th annual festivities, along with the new tagline campaign. What is your favorite part of the North Carolina Seafood Festival?

If your company needs a new identity or branding message, along with great social media event promotion and management, call Bellagurl. We’ll jump right in and create something that hooks your followers. We make marketing that matters and is fun!

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