At BG Digital Group, summer not only means warmer weather and boat days but also new interns! An internship with BG Digital Groups offers many different opportunities to gain new experiences, grow professionally, and explore the many facets of digital marketing.
We are delighted to introduce our 2021 Summer Intern, Chynna Raynor! Born and raised here on the Crystal Coast, Chynna is a local who prides herself on supporting her community and the small businesses within it. She is entering her senior year at East Carolina University where she is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in marketing. Chynna will be attending online classes throughout the summer while participating in BG Digital Group’s internship program. She is also currently working as a hostess at Longhorn Steakhouse of Morehead City.
Chynna values her family, friends, and recognizes God as her source and strength in life. She attends God’s City of Refuge in Newport every Sunday and looks forward to family dinner at her Grandmother’s house. In her free time, she enjoys knitting, trying new recipes, and watching her favorite tv shows with her fur child, Oakley.
After graduating, Chynna would like to move to either Charlotte or Raleigh, NC to join a marketing firm and provide her services there. She is eager to learn about real-world marketing along with tips and tricks she can take with her throughout her career. She is looking forward to helping and making solid connections with the businesses she will work with throughout the course of her internship.
Contact BG Digital Group today to speak to our team and start your marketing action plan to success.