Hacking: Is Your Website at Risk?


Being hacked is pretty common. From large-scale companies to small businesses, everyone remains a target to online hackers devoting their time to stealing information and money from innocent online users every day. Take a look at our SSL Encryption Blog regarding how many hacking attempts go down every day. Hint: it’s a lot. So, how do you keep your site safe?

  1. Updates!
    Hackers simply go with the flow when it comes to intensifying their skills. Every day software companies release security enhancement updates to not only better their products, but also outsmart the savvy hacker. Keep everything on your site, computer, and mobile devices up-to-date at all times, and you’ll have a much lower chance of a cyber-attack.
  1. SSL Encryptions
    We’ve already mentioned this a good bit, but SSL encryptions are a great way to make sure your business is secure and all the information that flows in and out of your business is locked down and secure.
  1. Secure your Passwords
    This is one of the oldest tricks in the book when it comes to internet security. Making sure your passwords are random, somewhat lengthy, and including symbols and capitalized letters can throw hackers pretty easily. Be creative and random! An example of a great password would be, x!Gh72T?.
  1. Make Sure Your Site Has Security Plug-ins
    Webpage creation and host engines, like WordPress, allow your business to buy or download a plethora of security plug-ins and add-ons to your site to ensure it’s safe and protected. Beware of rip-off security systems though, some of these do very little for your business, but cost a pretty penny.

BG Digital Group has a web development team that can help you meet your needs and protect your webpage. Whether it be adding plug-ins, SSL certificates, or monitoring updates, we have you covered! Call us today to see how we can help protect your webpage.

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