6 Tips to Keep Your Website Up To Date

Two people sitting at a table, looking at a laptop screen in a bright room.

Have you tested the contact forms on your website lately? Verified contact information or cleared your sitemap? If not, it’s time to get to work! Keeping your website up to date is one of the keys to success.

To help you get started we’ve compiled six easy ways you can keep your website current.

1. Ensure the software that powers your site is up-to-date and secure

On average 30,000 new websites are hacked every day. Don’t leave the door to your site wide open! You need to secure your website, which means installing SSL, using anti-malware software, and making your passwords untraceable. Otherwise, your data could be at risk, your site could crash, or you could even lose money.

2. Verify your contact information

Take the time to make sure your contact information is accurate and up to date.

3. Test all your contact forms

Testing all your contact forms is one of the best ways to ensure a smooth experience for you and your users. To test a form,  fill it out and click submit. Then, check to be sure that the email arrived.

Make sure the form notification email was delivered successfully, email marketing and payment integrations are working properly, and the form has a clear and precise message.

4. Check your Google Analytics and Google Search Central

Google Analytics is a valuable tool that allows you to track the popularity of web pages, campaign success, and overall website effectiveness. Ensure Google Analytics and Google Search Central are working for you by confirming data is being received, tracking any dashboard changes, and checking referral spam.

5. Check your Google ranking

To improve your Google ranking, you need to know where you stand. To do so, open a private or incognito browser and search for your target keyword or phrase.

Each results page will contain 10 organic links – sometimes referred to as the 10 blue links. Don’t count any of the results with the green Ad labels next to them. These are advertisements, and your web pages won’t show up with an Ad label unless you have active campaigns running in Google Adwords.

6. Clean up your sitemap

Just as you clean out your garage, you should also think about cleaning up your website. A clear sitemap will drastically improve the amount of time search bots have to take to crawl your sitemap and therefore help increase your ranking.

As a small business owner, you may find it difficult to keep track of all of this but don’t worry or get overwhelmed. We’re here to help! BG Digital Group would be delighted to help you keep your website up to date. Contact us today to get started.

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