4 Ways To Support Small Businesses in Eastern North Carolina

Sign for Morehead City, North Carolina, on a brick wall near street signs and a rusty nautical structure.

Life looks a lot different than it did just seven days ago and likely it will look much the same for a little longer. With social distancing going into full effect, it’s more important than ever to show your support to the heart and soul of our community. Today, we’re sharing a few ways the BGDG team is helping local businesses get through this difficult time.

Write Reviews

Write reviews on Facebook, Trip Advisor or Google to support your favorite local restaurant, small businesses, events, and more. You can do this from the comfort of your couch, it doesn’t cost money and when this is all over, your reviews will help businesses rise in ranking online.

Stock Up On Gift Cards

Buy gift cards or shop online from your favorite small shops.

Give to Charity

Give online to your church or any other organization your give to regularly. Now is the time they will need your donations more than ever. Please don’t forget them as they are likely still serving our citizens who need help most. Below, you’ll find a list of local charities to consider donating to.

Order Takeout or Delivery

Order in from your favorite local restaurant. We’ve rounded up a list of local restaurants that have implemented free delivery, take out options or curbside pickup on all orders below.

We’re here for you. Our staff is meeting virtually and happy to schedule a web meeting to help you implement some of these to your own business. To schedule a call, click HERE.

Header image via Downtown Morehead City.

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