BG Digital Group offers non-paid internships each semester of the school calendar year and during the summer. Learn how to develop and execute advertising campaigns, build your marketing writing skills by learning how to write ad copy, scripts, blogs, and website content that generates killer SEO.

Some experience includes:

  • Develop and execute advertising campaigns
  • Build your marketing writing skills by writing ad copy, scripts, blogs, and website content generating killer SEO results
  • Put your social media knowledge to the test by generating word-of-mouth marketing with an agency that manages award-winning social media campaigns
  • Learn how to manage ROI and analytics of advertising and social media campaigns and the financial analytics that make an agency run
  • Gain first hand, real world experience that sets you apart from your peers when landing that first job after college

Ideal candidates are energetic, committed, out-going, have a strong work ethic and desire to learn. Students with a general interest in advertising, communications, and marketing are encouraged to apply. Prior experience is not necessary, but the desire to learn and participate is a must. A minimum of 10 hours per week commitment is required. We are reviewing resumes and will be making decisions by November 2022 for winter/spring 2023 interns. Later, we will be reviewing resumes and making decisions by March 2023 for summer 2023 interns. Interns will have the ability to work in one of these areas:

  • Agency account services
  • Digital and social media management/strategy and advertising
  • Graphic and web design

If you love being part of a fun agency culture, send us your resume [email protected]. We’d love to hear from you!

Class of 2022 Summer Interns

Class of 2021 Summer Interns

Smiling person with laptop, wearing glasses and denim jacket, on orange background with "Welcome Chynna" text.

Chynna Raynor

Learn More

Class of 2020 Summer Interns

Class of 2019 Summer Interns

Class of 2018 Summer Intern

Carlee Boyd

Carlee Boyd

Learn More

Class of 2017 Summer Interns

    Mary Hogan

    Mary Hogan

    University of Alabama
    Marketing Planning and Analysis Intern

    Sydney Spadaro

    Sydney Spadaro

    Meredith College
    Social Media Intern

    Lindsey Justice

    Lindsey Justice

    East Carolina University
    Client Services and Social Media Intern

    Ashley Williams

    Ashley Williams

    Western Carolina University
    Social Media Intern